Land consolidation is sometimes misinterpreted as a simple land redistribution. In reality, land consolidation is associated with wider social and economic reforms from the time of its earliest applications in Western Europe.

The first land consolidation initiated in Denmark in the 1750s was part of a profound social reform, which resulted in improved agricultural productivity. Land consolidation is a set of measures in the sphere of spatial planning, agriculture, technology, rights and economies that the state authorities implement on land in rural areas in order to improve the conditions of life and exploitation of agricultural land, as well as the overall development of rural areas.

In this blog we will try to get you closer to the reasons why land consolidation is done as well as its basic goals.

Land consolidation and rural development

Land consolidation has always been considered as an instrument of rural development. The early concept of rural development was almost the same as the development of agriculture because of its dominant role in rural areas at that time. Improving the agrarian structure was seen as the main driver of the development of rural areas - what was good for farmers was good for rural areas.

Land consolidation

The goal of land consolidation

The main objective of the land consolidation is to increase net income from agricultural land by increasing the volume of production and reducing costs. It is important to emphasize that the concept of rural development today not only covers agriculture, but also applies to forestry, as well as to increased awareness of environmental protection.

The grouping of agricultural land is carried out in order to improve the production and working conditions, but also enable permanent provision of natural resources, which are the basis of the existence of the society.

Land consolidation

Land consolidation in Serbia

Land consolidation in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Agricultural Land, on the basis of which the destruction of agricultural land is carried out, the flow of land consolidation is determined and the legal side of the participants of the land consolidation is regulated. In Serbia, a new division of atar is done, where the fragmented land is grouped in order to form economically more favorable plots. Land consolidation can include the arrangement of roads, roads and other common facilities, which are the touch point of the land consolidation. Today, the focus of the consolidation is redirected from a mere restructuring of agriculture to more efficient multiple use of rural space, whereby balancing agriculture, landscape, nature conservation, roads is necessary.

Land consolidation

Land consolidation and environmental protection

Preservation of the environment has an increasing priority when it comes to land consolidation. Today, roads are built in accordance with the principles of environmental protection, while water is increasingly protected. Soil consolidation today includes the protection of wetlands, as well as special adaptations to the use of land that is endangered by frequent floods and soil erosion.

Land consolidation also contains one social goal. Since the villages are dying, the commasation includes the reconstruction of villages, which includes the improvement of living and working conditions.

Land consolidation

In its wide sphere of business, Geourb Group also offers land consolidation services in accordance with the Law on Agricultural Land.

Our team of engineers and experts will help you manage your land more efficiently and economically.